16 Aralık 2010 Perşembe

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Cancer - Breast Disease

Young women, their bodies hidden and mysterious part of the breast that are trained inandırılarak. Whereas, on the vulnerability konuşulmasının dokunulmasının and is considered to be a social taboo. Developed with a different feeling in the breast Erginliğe reached, becomes a symbol of femininity. Nutrition for the baby, for the sexual function of the opposite sex wins.
Another feature of the breast in addition to carrying in the mystery and symbols, and the relationship of women's health.Vurgulanmadığı enough for this relationship between the breast and the health of any woman in the face of breast disease, is undergoing a great confusion and fear.
In developed countries, one of the main reasons women vurmalarının chief physician, with complaints against the breast. All throughout his life, a woman's breast to notice stiffness or pain is a common symptom development. The difference in the breast hardness, a large majority of the masses and the changes are not cancer. If the cancer, even early tanınabilirse, treatment is possible.
In this booklet, you meet with your breast, for others, even if the mystery Korusan, now you overcome this feeling to come face to face with the body created for the purpose.
From mother to egg and sperm from the father and the mother's and father's genetic information with the merger occurs in a single cell. Give the name of this genetic information of DNA. This single cell, the DNA reaches the control of an adult consists of multiplying the number of 100 trillion.
All cells in the control of the DNA performs the tasks. The cells proliferate to meet the need at certain times of the organism. This is the control of DNA replication again. Sometimes, some changes occur on the DNA with a variety of reasons. That section is changed to control the proliferation of cells, growth of cells that control mechanisms are eliminated.
This is a result of excessive, uncontrolled growth of cells begins.For the control of the organism ceases to be only a specific organ of the proliferation of cells, blood, lymph or other parts of the organism goes through the neighborhood and also begin to multiply there. Here, cancer cells, these cells begin to multiply out of control, they create the clinical picture is called the cancer disease.
Breast milk is breast milk produced by glands and are composed of per-carry channels. The cells lining the milk glands and ducts, as described above, to multiply out of control by going to various parts of the body to continue to breed in captivity and is called breast cancer.
Some characteristics of women with breast cancer, we know, being more frequent. We call these features, risk factors. These risk factors will develop breast cancer with the people who can not be said definitely. Not only that, according to taşımayanlara factors, breast cancer more likely to know that. Breast cancer can develop in people without these factors. Half of breast cancer in women, these risk factors does not. Therefore, persons without risk factors should undergo regular controls.
Briefly the factors that increase the risk of breast cancer include the following way;Age:Advanced age is an important risk factor. New 70''i% of women diagnosed with breast cancer, are over 50. In other words, over 50 years of age in women with breast cancer incidence, age of the women under the age of 50 is more than 4 times. Therefore, every woman over the age of 50, must be examined once a year by hitting the head physician and film mammography breast çektirmelidir call.Personal history of breast cancer:Women with breast cancer had previously been treated and the other the possibility of developing breast cancer than women 3-4 times higher than normal.A family history of breast cancer:Family relatives of breast cancer among women, the possibility of getting breast cancer, is higher than other women. For example, sister or mother of a woman's breast cancer, breast cancer risk, other women from 2 to 5 times higher. These women should be monitored more frequently and carefully. In this way, problems of women with breast cancer genetic counseling clinics in the risk of head banging should hesaplattırmaları. If your family is a high risk of transition is found, it should undergo genetic testing. The foundation provides this service outpatient clinic.Previous breast biopsy to be made:With a mass in the breast biopsy done and the reason may be a benign tumor was detected. Some non-cancerous tumors are benign presence of various amounts may increase the risk of developing cancer. This depends on the tumor cell structure. For example, a biopsy done, issued as a result of pathological examination of the mass in women diagnosed with atypical hyperplasia (a benign tumor that completely), the development of breast cancer in women is higher than the normal rate.Fertile age period:Starting menstruation early, late menepoza Entering deliberately prolonging fertile. In the meantime, under the influence of female hormone estrogen for longer stays, increased risk of developing breast cancer. Is being done for women entering early menopause hormone therapy, significantly reduced the risk of breast cancer.Continued to menstruate after the age of fifty women, the risk of developing breast cancer is increasing slightly.Fertility story:The age of first giving birth to children is important. The first child after age 30 the incidence of breast cancer in women giving birth before age 20 than 2-fold greater than doğuranlara. Never have children give birth in women increases the risk slightlySocioeconomic level, height:Wealthy, high socio-economic level of women with breast cancer incidence is higher. Daughters of these families than for eating better and developing an early start to menstruate at an early age.In addition, when these kids grow up with education and employment due to later marriage and having children later olmaktadırlar. This is due to the start of the fertile early age, later giving birth to include such reasons as the reason. Apart from these, other factors also are involved.Those of estrogen hormone therapy:Menopausal estrogen therapy because of the long period of time (10 years) in women undergoing breast cancer rate is increasing.However, in women not taking hormone therapy, the increase in problems such as heart disease and osteoporosis occurs.Therefore, with the aim of reducing symptoms of menopause, estrogen, but offered to give, must be done under the control of a physician.Birth control pill use:Although different opinions on this subject suggested that a slight increase in risk. Ten years ago, left women with birth control pills, this risk is completely eliminated.Alcohol use: FThe women with less alcohol, than women not taking the risk is relatively increased. High-grade alcohol drinking 3 cups a day is a woman's breast cancer risk, according to the 2-fold higher than never-smoker women. Limiting alcohol intake to a glass a day is recommended.Smoking:Demonstrated a clear effect of smoking. However, due to affect the overall health of the proposed release. ? Işmanlık and fatty food: obesity in some studies, especially in women over age 50 have been observed to increase the risk of developing breast cancer. In particular, the more saturated fats and fat containing foods such as dairy products, fatty meat increases the risk taking than has been suggested.
Exercise: Intense exercise and reduced risk of breast cancer in women were involved in gymnastics. Therefore, it is recommended to all women. Nutrition: Breast cancer and diet has an important relationship. Vegetable and fruit-rich diet, avoiding heavy fatty foods is recommended. Daily food intake of vitamin C, beta carotene has been suggested that the protective effect of antioxidants, such as the addition.
In short,reducing obesity,
cessation of alcohol is received.
Light exercise done (4 hours per week of brisk walking),
Plenty of vegetables and fruits consumed,
with simple measures such as breast cancer risk can be reduced by 30-40%.
BREAST CANCER be prevented?
There is no definitive way to prevent breast cancer yet. Today, the only known method of early diagnosis. Due to early diagnosis of breast cancer, brought a large extent the problems can be solved.In this way, the damage the disease can be minimized in society, and the quality of life can be increased significantly.
Early diagnosis and effective solution to the best-known women's risk status is determined by the application of the inspection and audit protocols.
Breast cancer early detection methods, carried by the patient varies according to risk factors. Age is first and foremost among these risk factors. In the younger age çıkabilmesine, despite advancing age groups, this risk is increasing. Therefore, measures should be taken for the early diagnosis of progressive age groups, age groups vary according to earlier.
Twenty years on, women should examine themselves every month a certain period. Investigated whether this difference in breast tissue during the inspection. If a change is detected, a physician immediately be hit head. Even a change, no determined, should be examined by a doctor once every three years.
Women from the age of forty, in addition to their own their periodic inspection is required to be examined by a doctor once every year.In addition, every year or two year intervals should attract mamogrofiyi.
Fifty years later, women in their periodic examinations and mammography once a year should go ahead and call the physician breast examination every year çektirmelidir film.
Early detection of a specific day of the month for each woman needs to examine itself. Each month a woman who examined him on a regular basis itself, occurring in a breast much earlier in the audience to notice.
There are various books and pamphlets to teach women to examine themselves. But this is often insufficient. Silicone breast breast examination teaching kit and video are available.Vakfımızda breast examination training with these tools is given in the form of seminars.
The following changes were noticed, not needed at the head to a doctor without delay:Long period of time, or hardness of a palpable breast mass in two weeks,
Breast skin thickening, swelling, discoloration,
At the beginning of breast thickening, redness, or be wound,
Shrinkage of the breast or nipple inward,
Change as the breast,
Breast changes in head positions,
The resulting discharge from the nipple.
Mammography, a breast x-ray film taken in low doses. Breast, small enough to be detected by examination is taken with the aim to detect abnormalities. This is the real value of mammography.Because, in this way, the disease is determined before phases can be determined by inspection. Therefore, certain life-saving.Women in the age of forty days each year or every two years to a specialist physician breast examination, mammography should be strongly and every year. Mammography every year as the women in the age of fifty days must be strongly and physician examination.
Mammography withdrawing the breast, gently compressed for a few seconds between the two layers. Therefore, in the time of breast mammography, the withdrawal of the less sensitive, particularly sensitive to women's breasts is recommended. Unit following the end of the week, at least the time sensitivity of the breasts. In addition, following the end of each week, due to the hormonal breast swelling is minimal and that better results can be obtained at the time. For these reasons, in the absence of any special, mammography shooting, a week is recommended following the end of menstruation.
WHAT way to have mammography should be considered?
Mammography drawn naked above the waist. Therefore, while shooting recommend wearing two-piece dress. In this way, above the waist during shooting can be removed easily. Advertisement can affect the armpits deodorant, talcum powder, lotion should be applied on such things.
Detected a mass in the breast cancer edilince it, or you have another disease that should be investigated. ? That the emphasis should be emphasized that every mass in the breast cancer is not detected. Therefore, a suspicious breast mass saptanınca immediately without getting scared telaşlanmaya and there is no need to panic. A breast mass is detected, further tests should be done by contacting a physician.
In recent years, have been important improvements in the treatment of breast cancer. Many treatment options have emerged.These facilities, significantly, depending on the stage of the disease was detected. Although the disease is detected at an early stage of treatment, the more is the possibility and option.
Breast cancer treatment, today, is done by teams of experts. In such a team surgeon, oncologist, radiation oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, psychologists, plastic surgeons, physiotherapists, as different branches of medicine have come together and work areas, especially breast cancer, doctors have focused on.
Today, the treatment of breast cancer, surgical intervention has several different applications. These applications are mainly for the protection of the breast without the removal of all of those, and those for the breast is divided into two main groups. In addition, the breast is taken, instead of plastic surgical techniques make breast reconstruction surgery and has re-
Killer cells in cancer treatment drugs. These drugs are given orally or intravenously and then spreads throughout the body. Usually, they are more effective when given simultaneously with several drugs, are given in various combinations. Chemotherapy is given after a certain period of time to be interrupted. This is provided in between the patient toparlaması itself. Then again, after medication is interrupted for a while.
In addition to surgical treatment in some cases locally, you may need to add the drug therapy. The investigations in patients after surgery, the cancer has not in any region, even if the medication can be a time saver as a precaution. This treatment is called adjuan chemotherapy.
Some breast cancer cells, they contain hormone receptors (sensors) through the feminine hormone estrogen may be sensitive. In other words, the hormone estrogen can cause these cancer cells grow and artmalarına. Hormone goal in the treatment of hormone-sensitive in this way and these types of cancer including estrogen receptor, eliminating the effect of estrogen to prevent cancer development. For this purpose, the drugs used today, tamoxifendir. Tamoxifen therapy, usually at least two years and a maximum of five years.
Radiation therapy, breast and armpit area, applying after the surgical procedure is done for the purpose of killing the cancer cells are likely to stay. In this treatment, other treatments have side effects, such as. Most of this treatment of women who complain of weakness. Breast swelling and the feeling of weight may occur.This side effect will disappear spontaneously about one year. The treated skin area, get the color of a sunburn. This also reduced in about a year.
Though it is less than women, men also can be seen in breast cancer. One of every 100 breast cancer seen in men. From 1993-1997, 50% of breast cancer in men has increased. Therefore, men should also be sensitive to this issue.
Cyclin WORLD breast cancer development? I WHAT?
Breast cancer in many countries, women's health problem, it is the most fearful. Today, the United States'', one of eight women have been catching breast cancer. European countries this ratio is one to ten women. Breast cancer is related to the number listed as follows;
Between the years 1950-1970 in the U.S.'', 1milyon women died due to breast cancer. This number ABD''nin 2 World War II, the Korean and Vietnam wars, the number of people are lost. The European 1 million women in 1998, due to breast cancer therapy.1 million women in the world in 2000, a new diagnosis of breast cancer will be put. Every 11 minutes, a woman in the world, die because of breast cancer. Every 3 minutes a woman in the world, put a new diagnosis of breast cancer.
TÜRKİYE''DE frequency of breast cancer development? I WHAT?
Turkey has a statistic''healthy. Both the diet, as well as in terms of climate, we can close our conditions we apply to our country statistics in a Mediterranean country, Italy, Turkey''in female breast cancer are caught every year 30 thousand.
Numbers are abstract concepts have no meaning for a more. But stop and think for a moment, close around us, between relatives and friends who, faced with this problem a few tanıdığımızı necessarily anımsayacağız. Away from us until we think the problem is not at all, even if the power should accept.
Another feature of the disease, the incidence is rising. Forty years ago, in 1960, the United States''in one of two women, while breast cancer, breast cancer is currently one of eight women. This increase shows the disease, followed all of the advanced western countries. Although the increase in the incidence of breast cancer, depending on technological progress and increase opportunities for early diagnosis of breast cancer death rate has remained the same, not increased.
Work of civil society organizations and governments in Western countries as a result of health policies, a very high level of community awareness about breast cancer developed. As a result, widespread use of facilities for early diagnosis of breast cancer-related death rate remains low.
In Turkey''is not developed enough public awareness on this issue.Early diagnostic facilities are inadequate. This negative result, modern Turkish woman in the early diagnosis of breast cancer are deprived of opportunities to put the diagnosis is too late. A large majority of patients, is long overdue for the first time of diagnosis, the treatment options, not more.
Mammography, X-ray film taken of the breast cancer early detection is a method to help you. With this method, the society of all women over the age specific breast by pulling the film, it tries to capture early stage breast cancer. In this way, society can be made of breast cancer screening mammography, screening mammography is called.
Screening mammography, the most widely used method for early diagnosis of breast cancer. The American Cancer Institute, every woman over the age of 40, mammography once a year to be examined by a physician and expert recommends çektirmesini.Türkiye''de mammography centers equipped with advanced technology is limited. Calibration of these devices is made on a regular basis. Levels of education are not enough technicians to attract advertisement. Read and evaluate this film to be experienced in a radiology specialist, must be at least 8 thousand evaluate mammography film. Türkiye''de diagnostic center with all of these features are very rare.
Breast cancer treatment, today requires a multidisciplinary approach. The first operation the surgeon makes the patient, applying medication oncologist, radiation oncologist radiation therapy applying your diagnosis of the pathologist and plastic surgeon, but a key role in the initiation of the team work together in the treatment of the patient and the patient's plan should address.Physicians specializing in breast cancer and should be knowledgeable enough about this. Received the breast, rather than physical reconstruction of patients to minimize losses, an integral part of modern breast cancer treatment.
For this reason, plastic and reconstructive surgery, this team should take place within. Early postoperative recovery of arm and shoulder motion, characterized by late stage in the form of swelling of lymphedema of the arm in making treatment, physical therapy and rehabilitation is of paramount importance. Breast cancer is not only the patient, as the people around him have significant impairment in social or psychological problem. In the presence of psychologists providing psychological support for such a team, it is mandatory. Almost all of the patients are in a great hunger for information.
Especially about eating enough bilgilendirilmemektedir themselves. The team found in a diet and nutrition expert, will close this gap. These teams worked with breast clinics, in most developed countries there. The scientific research, breast cancer patients, treated in clinics specializing in this field to see, has been far more successful results.
Breast surgery and plastic reconstruction has been women, the breast prosthesis in order to protect the body uses görümlerini.Denture-trained nurses in Western countries in this regard, measures of patient takes and helps the selection of the appropriate prosthesis. This service requires training and experience. In our country, these prostheses for sale, average sales are made by the personnel of the country on a lot of purchasing power required to charge. An appropriate organization, this problem can be solved and the cost can be reduced to one third. This service may spread to all segments of society..

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