16 Aralık 2010 Perşembe

Surgical Procedures - Family Planning

Vasectomy, male sperm cells, the testes surgically transition in regions where they are stored as a permanent process of degradation. The external appearance of the fluid discharged during ejaculation after the procedure will not change at all, but pregnancy does not occur in sperm cells in liquid.
With this method, sperm, "channels" serious damage has occurred and unmounting of the tubes is very difficult.
Rate and Duration of protection Protection
100''e% of the applied methods and close protection, although some individual characteristics may occur because of pregnancy very rarely (<1%).Protection does not begin immediately. The operation for the removal of the sperm is stored prior to ejaculation is usually 20 (discharge) is required. Protection of life is the length of time.
Implementation of
Spermiogram of protection began to understand a few times (sperm count) by azoospermia (sperm count of zero), the situation observed.
Implementation of the objectionable Who?Undecided about whether to have children in the future, which does not want to be men.
When it comes to divorce the wife without the consent of the spouse of applications "to conceive due to" justify the request for a divorce can be found.
Under local anesthesia, and safe method can be applied to a single application provides permanent contraception.
Life wants to have children again because of changes in conditions require re-operation. High costs and low chances of success in these operations operations.
In general, a safe operation. Hypersensitivity to substance out of the local anesthetic in the operation, infection, hematoma (blood collection), and rare side effects, such as 1% of the sperm granuloma is seen in practice.
Side Effects
Previously vasectomy atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and heart attacks, consisting of long-term side effects such as testicular and prostate cancer was thought to be. Recent studies do not confirm them.
In the future the possibility of the formation of children's desire to review very well. Take your spouse must also consent. Protection does not start immediately after the operation. Azoospermia examination of sperm is formed, must apply as an additional method of protection.
Special cases
Spouse to remain pregnant
A very rare condition. Despite all the damage, depending on their combinations of channels re-emerge. Operator error is practically impossible, but still may be a factor.Re-emergence of the desire to have children
This is a difficult situation. Severely damaged permeable channels to make again a very low success rate of operations, operations.Children's desire for success and continues to be achieved through testicular sperm aspiration may have to resort to methods of collection.

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