Weight is ignored
Progesterone-derived substances in the body of water contained in birth control pills can lead to exclusion. This effect varies from person to person, although the accumulated substance "water" is, to make a permanent change in weight is not an expected side effect. Yet hunger center in the brain by acting tablets may cause an increase in appetite. This effect also varies from person to person, but today's low-dose (ie, containing 35 micrograms and lower amounts of estrogen) pills to a significant increase in appetite and cause weight gain due to increased food intake accordingly to be expected.The only reason to fear to take weight loss pills that you avoid this situation if your doctor know. Perhaps the best solution in this case, use the pills for 4 months and 4 end of the month to evaluate the result. Ignore the effect of weight loss pills at the end of this period, whether or not you will emerge. According to the result, pills or other methods may continue to switch.
Hair growth does
Today, the progesterone-derived drugs used in birth control pills in the content of testosterone (male hormone ") likely to have similar effects, although the effect of testosterone pills at least in the progesterone-derived drugs used in the construction. Therefore, today's pills are not expected to increase fledge. In contrast to the treatment of birth control pills pubescence has long been used as first-line treatment.
Infertility causes
After his release tablets pills provided in a short time is reduced and blood hormone levels within days of taking pills back to previous levels.There is no scientific data on permanent hormone disorder pills are doing and also does not seem possible in theory.Personal differences, depending on the ovulation (ie, pregnant kalabilirliğin) return may be delayed one to two months, a delay longer than this is a rare condition.
In summary the use of birth control pills start to tell a woman to conceive for almost, that is what pregnant kalabilirliği düzeydeyse, this property will return after you stop the pill. Point to note is the duration of the woman using birth control pills. As an example, a 30-year-old began using drugs when pregnant women use kalabilirliği decreased after 5 years will be the last. Reason for this decline in pill use for 5 years and not seen as a reduction in the natural tendency of pregnant kalabilirlikte depending on age.
Cancer does
The data we have birth control pill use reduces the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer. Çelişmekle data on breast cancer, although the emergence of this form of cancer on the risk of possibly ineffective pills.
Beklenmemesiyle having an effect on cervical cancer with pills, pills are caught more frequently in women with cervical cancer precursors. The reason for this is probably an annual gynecological examinations of women using the pill and cervical cancer in the pioneer aksatmamaları papsmear lesions detected in cancer screening test is currently asymptomatic stage.
Every day should be taken at the same time, forgotten to stay pregnant
Only need to remember to take pills is this: once a day and time of day (depending on your choice in the morning, afternoon, or evening). Another three to four hours a day and a difference there is no negative impact.
If you forget to take a pill a day, when more than two pills the next day would not be a reduction in protectors. I fail to make a habit of each menstrual cycle as long as the drug once or twice a negative effect on protection of pills will not forget.
I've heard that many effective birth control pills
Women taking the pills correctly and on time is less than one per cent chance of pregnancy. Many women believe that birth control pills more effectively. Here at the effect of pills missed the point of most important factor is that the user errors. Some statistics may help to understand the subject.28''i% of women use the pills properly.
forgetting the pill every day is only 42%.
At least 16% of women are drug pill box by the end of the month ..
Approximately 25% of the cases are set 1 year before the pill and use another method of protection used.
3-month period, 33% intake of women forget pills.
17% of women not in the correct order pills.
These are "using the pill" the most important factors that cause women to stay pregnant.
Each woman uses the birth control pill, take a break and your body dinlendirmelidir 9 months.
"Resting" in order to require cessation pill, there is no medical necessity.Leave in order to restore the pills are unnecessary, because
There is no medical benefit.For this purpose, the only effect of the pill to stop an unwanted pregnancy.The use of the pill to leave and then re-start the re-emergence of side effects seen in the first few months of use can cause.Leaving the women to use birth control pills, other than the benefits of these drugs are also eligible.
Pill heart attack, stroke and blood clots can cause.
Non-smoker women using birth control pills and there is an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Leg and arm veins there is a slight increase in risk of clotting. 5-20 at risk''than 100,000, 100,000 of interest''in the 15-20''ye.
Handicapped child on the birth control pill causes.
Or rather on the birth control pill on the health of the children born in the future does not cause a negative impact. Even pregnant women using the pill has no negative effects on the health of the baby, even thick.
This false information come from?
Some effects of false information and drug-related side effects resulted from ignoring the fact that only very few women yaşadıpı.
Some are against family planning hurafelerdir emitted by some individuals and institutions.
Other incorrect information is also very high doses of estrogen and progesterone containing the "older generation" lived experience of women using birth control pills caused.
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