Why men love breasts? Have you ever wondered? And while talking among themselves, what they say about breasts?
Almost every woman carries with her breasts concerns.Sometimes the two breast size or shape, albeit a little different from each other, sometimes "small breasts" with a live concern, sometimes reverse, the "great being uncomfortable." After all women's breasts are less happy.
But what do men think? We know you love her breasts, but how and why men in general? Have you ever wondered? Reviewed research on this subject and I gathered for you. That's why men like breasts;
Fertility Symbol Breasts, and Femininity
Although you can think of, does not come in, as though she allures you, go in, somewhere in the subconscious of human beings lies in the reproductive instinct. Offspring to continue the centuries before it was instinct. Today, more and more decrease in marriages, but people are still excited to be a child.
Centuries ago, generation of baby's nutrition is very important for continuing to milk the breasts, today, despite a decrease in the number of mothers breast-feeding is still the "baby feeding" is being remembered with the function. In other words, primitive instincts still affect today's modern man. Therefore, the Pamela Anderson breasts may become attractive to men.
According to the theory of evolution at the time of Charles Darwin''in, bilinçaltımızdaki instincts "soyumuzu maintain a healthy and appropriate" spouse choose. Accordingly, a wide hipped men (because they give birth available) and large-breasted (because they give rise besleyebiliyor) selects women.
Breasts, Sexual Relationship Has Key Role
Male breast, women achieve sexual excitement has one of the key roles. Of course, in men ..
Women differ from men carrying 2.bölgedir and therefore, a visual warn, the men were aware, or become the target olamadıkları passionate gaze.
Men's breasts Finds Relief
The challenges of daily life in the breasts and the softness of the soft and reminiscent of perhaps as bebekliğimizi, relaxes the men.Experts, men, mothers' breasts at the same time, reminded them to think first of all on protecting.
Size Important?
Let us come to the question of the most important WOMAN .. The size of the chest? Most women live in fear of being small-breasted.Even those with normal breasts. However, in breast size, "tastes and colors negotiable" issue. In other words, some men love big breast, some of the small chest. Measure the size of the event is already couple of male stage, never mind, do not worry biçmiştir.Therefore, let us worry about my chest, large and small. Enjoy your life worry-free!
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