Sexual Relationship Pain
Experienced pain during sexual intercourse is a relatively common condition. Especially the first months of the onset of sexual life of women more or less often hears the pain. Especially at a time when women are not ready enough to make a relationship can reach heights of pain is quite uncomfortable.The situation described above, the most common cause of sexual pain. In addition, a new beginning or a pain in the past, although for a long time over the first sexual experience pain during intercourse is a condition that requires medical evaluation.The pain medicine have been in the first sexual experience "primary dysmenorrhea", later appeared in pain "secondary dyspareunia" is called. This distinction is important for determination of probable causes."Superficial dyspareunia" vagina entrance "deep dyspareunia" deep in the vagina with the penis entering the resulting pain and put it in terms of diagnosis is extremely important distinction."Deep dyspareunia" widely felt in the case of lower abdominal pain.15''i% of women during their lifetime are confronted with such a pain. However, severe enough to require treatment, the pain% 1-2''sinde. In some women this pain in the genital area more pressure, are described as tearing or burning sensation. Why can?Bottom-up, examining the causes of dyspareunia (vaginal entrance to the internal genital organs) will contribute to a better understanding of the subject to make a distinction.Entrance of the vagina due to reasons:Maiden membrane-related issues: the situation in the hymen to be the most typical example of a structurally rigidMenopause-related decline in tissue ("atrophy") and dryness: During menopause, vaginal dryness, and that the sexual intercourse, genital tissues lost their elasticity can cause irritation and pain.Olunmadan ready-enough presence in the relationship and the related irritationCut-on ("episiotomy") nedbeleri: difficult deliveries, especially after the entrance of the vagina and the vagina, or birth into the incision to heal if necessary disposal of a large number of sewing seams often occurs during the infection and the scars will heal leaving a scar causes intercourse pain heard.-Infections: active herpes simplex infections (genital herpes) and be may cause pain at other times as well as sexual intercourse R.Vagina related reasons:-Infections: a severe infection of the vagina (vaginitis), pain during intercourse may be heard-Mass and tumors: the vagina is a rare form of mass. Large masses can cause pain and bleeding with it.Olunmadan ready-enough presence in the relationship and the related irritation-Rectocele (prolapse posterior wall of the vagina), uterine prolapse and cystocele (anterior vaginal wall prolapse) can cause pain due to stress.-Foreign objects against the allergic response: in the structure of latex condoms, some women with substance may cause severe allergic reactions. In such cases, the vagina and vaginal tissue edema and touched sensitive input is heard, can cause pain during intercourse.-Congenital defects of the vagina: the vagina from birth or be severely limited during a short relationship that is able to constitute a cause of pain be heard.-Causes of pelvic structures (due to internal causes genital organs):-Pelvic inflammatory conditions: acute pelvic infections and subsequent recovery period, and may cause pain during intercourse.-Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a condition that causes genital area adhesive organs. These adhesions may cause pain and stress during the relationship.Malignant or benign tumors of the uterus--Pelvic organs in the previous infections, surgery or adhesions due to endometriosis-Previous pelvic fracturesThe digestive system and urinary tract diseases: rare cause of pain are-Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease-Diverticulitis)-Hemorrhoids (piles), fistula and fissure, such as diseases of the anus and rectum area: they can cause pain during and after defecation, dyspareunia because of the reason may be as close as the neighborhood.-The problems of the urethra or bladderPsychological problems:The first is the relationship the woman had painful sexual intercourse can lead to fear and feel pain during intercourse.Mixed with the assessment made of the differential diagnosis of vaginismus isparoni D is extremely important.
Dr. Onur Uysal
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