Experts should not be neglected're happy and full of energy, nutrients, are recommended from time to time consumed.Dietician Selahattin Donmez, the basic needs of food, his stomach is the saturation process, highlighting the beneficial effects outside the body, soul and libido as well as a lot of food in the stomach and nourishes the body, showed some aphrodisiac effects, he said.
Donmez, especially vegetables, parsley, mint, artichokes, arugula and celery, fruit of the strawberry, raspberry, mango, kiwi and figs showing the effect of aphrodisiac foods that attract attention, said:
''''In addition, seafood, turkey meat, chocolate, honey, nuts, pleasant and stimulating effects gives a sense of happiness.Cinnamon, thyme, curry, mint, black pepper, cloves, ginger increases circulation and body temperature, vitamin E content rich, spices .'''' the winter months of relaxing and energizing the content of the crown of the head of the orchid orchis belirtenDönmez shows the effect of the aphrodisiac, said:''''Honey, the body's energy level, especially in upgrading the content of the mineral boron is supporting the secretion of female hormone estrogen, increases sexual power. Sexual life, indicating that the most important organ of brain specialists, the feeling of happiness in the brain that say they provide nutrients and strength of sexual desire. Releasing hormone serotonin in the brain, especially chocolate, the feeling of happiness is one of the most important foods. Pepper, showing the effect of sexual aphrodisiac alert secreting spices are among the most important. Vanilla flavor and energy to give also increases due to the effect of sexual hormones .''''
-LEMON ExcitesSelahattin Donmez, the content of omega-3 fatty acid content of nuts because of the increasing sexual power is among the most important nuts, red pepper for the content provided by the bitterness with increasing energy, the brain's endorphins, hormone secretion, leading to increased happiness and said that sexual desire.Parsley and celery toxin, indicating that the shooter feature Donmez, cinnamon and sesame impotence and decreased sexual desire in men is among inspiring foods, lemon, because of the antioxidant effect by affecting the circulatory system to increase the excitement of a nutrient stressed.
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