* external genital area if possible, wash only with water, some soapand shampoo can lead to the flow through the area of allergy.Washing the inside of the vagina is objectionable degrade thelocal flora balance.
* genital spray, perfume, pet, and buffer additives, fragranceadditives, such as the use of condoms to give up on allergyyapabilicek applications.
* If you are using vaginal tampon use, discontinue for a while.
* Internal change clothes and cotton underwear, use daily.
* Remove the clothes wet after swimming or exercise, the genitalregion, and a good dry after bathing.
* Make sure your weight, excessive weight can cause commonfungal infection.
* Avoid tight pants and underwear,
* Please note that the General cleaning toilets and use theprotective paper.
* Use condoms during sexual intercourse.
* Frequent sexual intercourse, polygamy and currents can lead tounprotected intercourse.
* Vaginal discharge should be provided immediately to prevent thenatural vaginal flora. Consult your doctor for medications to supportthe vagina flora.
Signs of vaginal disease;
* more than usual discharge,
* the burning and itching associated with the flow,
* Bad odor,
* discharge yellowish, greenish and have sparkling,
* Sexual intercourse painful, pain, and that smell, contact your doctor in case.
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