The first pregnancy ended in miscarriage of women one of the biggest fears people will not be any child or miscarriage in later pregnancies sonuçlanacağıdır. This is not true. However, women who have low or low threat of miscarriage in later pregnancies, according to the survival probabilities are slightly higher than ever yapmamışlara. 3 or more consecutive pregnancy, with consequences for low-low or habitual abortions are called recurrent. The important point here is that abortions in a row, ie consecutive pregnancies.
Until very recently, the underlying abnormality can be found in any case of unexplained abortions was known to be low. But today we know that some of the unexplained cases such as this, and it is probably an underlying factor in the immune system of a person's immune system. Support for women living in this system is quite low due to repeated approaches to the treatment benefits.
The second step is low in people diagnosed with recurrent underlying pathology to determine whether there is a certain.
Anomalies of Rahim''eApproximately 12% of women with habitual abortion-15''inde problem stems from the womb. Eye condition known as double that in the womb or the cervix to be open too much can result in recurrent miscarriages. Evaluation of the cervix and uterus to the opening of the film to understand this, the withdrawal is necessary.
If the problem is failure of the cervix with a suture placed in the period of early pregnancy (cerclage) be brought to term pregnancy.Double-eyed uterus or those with a similar deformity of the operations are planned to address it.
Hormonal CausesHormonal disorders is an important reason for recurrent miscarriages. Many hormonal disorders can cause miscarriage.For example, thyroid hormones can cause a decrease or increase low. This situation allows you to continue to be treated generally trouble-free pregnancy.
However, before the placenta is secreted and function of the ovaries and later with maintenance of pregnancy in which abortion will result in failure of the hormone progesterone. Treatment of this condition is called luteal phase deficiency from the outside to give the missing hormone. Luteal phase deficiency is still controversial today.
Milk is also an important hormone known as prolactin irregularities cause of infertility, and low. The most frequently found in excess in the blood that is hyperprolactinemia. Sees the benefit of medical treatment.
Chromosomal causesDüşüklern One of the most important causes of chromosomal disorders. If the family later transferred to individuals with genetic disorders is present, this can cause recurrent miscarriages. Such a situation is suspected, spouses, and chromosome analysis, genetic counseling is required if the condition is determined.
Immune systemIn recent years, increasingly well understood and the underlying cause of the disease so far unexplained many of the body's immune defense mechanism is roughly sistemidir.Bu system. Both from outside and within the body's own protection against disease agents. This site factors that activate itself (these are called antigens) as foreign or self-perceptions. Creates a reaction against foreign antigens. Sometimes incorrectly perceives as its own foreign antigens. This is called an autoimmune antigen. The immune system is a mechanism of memory. That is the cause of the fight once and forgets faces. Cause of the disease enter the body's immune system produces an antibody against it. These antibodies then a lifetime in the body so the same factors kalır.Bu re-encountered this factor does not cause disease in the body.Geçirilmemesinin passed the second time is the reason why some diseases in childhood.
Autoimmune problemsSome of the factors normally considered herself the mother alien generates the antibody. This table can sometimes cause recurrent miscarriages. The most common is low in the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies. Phospholipids building blocks of the body is one of the cell system. Especially found in the cell membrane. Placenta blood flow is disrupted in the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies, and ultimately this leads to low circulating pıhtılaşmalara seen. Antiphospholipid antibody and antibodies against the thyroid gland or even outside the cell nucleus may be due to the low.
Autoimmune low due to the initial treatment approach for women to give drugs to prevent blood pıhtılşaması. For this purpose, the most frequently used aspirin. Surely should be given control of the physician. Baskılayacak cortisone type drugs are also used in the immune system. Such patients need very close follow-up.
Various studies carried out worldwide each year related to the immune system and this system is better understood with each passing day. As our knowledge on this issue will have a lot of disease and treatments will be possible to clarify the reason.
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